[−][src]Module wlroots::utils
Utilities for use within wlroots-rs that are not directly related to Wayland or compositors.
edges |
Some events refer to actions that occurred on certain "edges" of windows. This is represented as a bit flag since multiple edges (including none) could be affected. |
log |
Hooks into the wlroots logging functionality. Internally many events are logged and are reported on standard error. The verbosity of the logs is determined by the verbosity level when initializing the logs. |
region |
Helper functions for manipulating Pixman regions from the Pixman library. |
Handle |
A non-owned reference counted handle to a resource. |
HandleErr |
The types of ways upgrading a handle can fail. |
Handleable | |
ToMs |
Trait to convert something to milliseconds. |
current_time |
Get the current time as a duration suitable for functions such as
Type Definitions
HandleResult |
The result of trying to upgrade a handle, either using |